Ed Brooks will facilitate a workshop on "Culture, character, and leadership” from 2 to 4 pm on Friday, 13 March in Seminar Room 11 in the Executive Education wing at Said Business School.
The event is for students at SBS as part of a “Just Business” series coordinated by Lily Elsner.
This workshop will focus on the intersection between who we are, the institutions we work in and how we can grow as agents of change who further human goods in and through our work. There is a fast-growing literature on the importance of leaders possessing strong values and soft skills. In this workshop we will explore the connection between the institutions we inhabit, the ways we lead and the people we are and are becoming. We will consider the relationship between effective leadership and good leadership, and explore the questions: What does it mean for me to lead? How can I grow as someone who will lead change for the betterment of society in my community and future career?
A collaborative session, this will begin a series of workshops and events in which we challenge ourselves to consider the types of leaders we will be. How (and will) we use the phrase "it's just business" in our future careers?
If you are interested in this event, please contact Lily Elsner (lillian.elsner@pmb.ox.ac.uk).