About this event
In the 19th century, Leo Tolstoy defined art as “a means of union among men, joining them together in the same feelings, and indispensable for the life and progress toward well-being of individuals and of humanity.” This ability to create union is also a cornerstone of leadership, a trait that takes practice and presence. Perhaps surprisingly artistic collaboration, not only the final artistic product, provides a powerful pathway to developing traits that make us better leaders.
Singer, songwriter, and founder of Artistic Leadership Tiffany Thompson designs and facilitates interactive creative experiences that unlock trust, bolster idea flow, and motivate people to contribute from their creative level. It is through collaboration at this creative level with others we learn empathy, vulnerability, courage, and authenticity – some of the most essential leadership traits.
We invite you to join our Artistic Leadership experience with Tiffany Thompson guiding us through a collaborative songwriting exercise called Song-Rite. We’ll get the chance to write and experience the unifying power of making art, together.
The event will also be a chance to learn more about the Global Leadership Initiative (GLI), our flagship leadership development programme for Oxford postgraduates. You will meet the GLI team and learn more about the application process.
Note: No prior songwriting experience or musical ability is required. This is a fun session and we welcome everyone to participate!
Structure of Time
17:30-17:40 : Introductions – name, and ways that you like to experience or practice the arts
17:40-17:45 : Tiffany shares some quotes and concepts around creativity
17:45-18:20 : Group songwriting experience
18:20-18:30: Reflection
Friday 21st October, 17:30-18:30
The Oxford SDG Impact Lab, Albion House, Littlegate St, Oxford OX1 1QT (please ring the buzzer for the Oxford SDG Impact Lab when you arrive)
If you have any questions about the event, please contact Megan MacLean at megan.maclean@theology.ox.ac.uk.